Ariston is an autonomous institute in distance management education offering short term programs which shall enable the students to acquire world class management qualification that would enhance their career. Ariston School of Business Studies has been accredited by LMS implemented Quality Management System accordance with International Accreditation Service (IAS) United States of America as ISO 9001-2015. At present in many economies the education system does not sufficiently reflect labour market condition. The inflexible and inefficient education system could not meet the new economic environmental changes. Here is the important of Ariston which could research and develop new programs and courses to meet the requirement of working professionals in international standard. Ariston students have unique advantage to be the member of international Associations. Ariston programs are independent and innovative which will help the student to think out of the box and conventional type of management education. The prestigious International accreditation of our institute ensures that the professional management qualification from Ariston are fully recognized and well accepted for employment all over the world. Ariston international presence will help the student to access our service globally. Ariston is an internationally accredited Distance learning Business School offering programs in many of today's most in-demand fields. These programs are the first choice of working adults across the globe for their Ease & Flexibility, Affordability, and Quality of Education.
In a business environment characterized by rapid change managers, must necessarily be flexible and adaptable. These managers may be required to operate in deferent cultural, functional and organizational backgrounds. They should possess the skill and knowledge to adapt to various situations and roles and perform successfully in each of them. In order to succeed in this evolving environment, manager should possess a very solid conceptual framework of management which can be applied to multiple situations. The ASBS’s distance learning short duration, compact and integrated Management programs seek to prepare manager to cope with these factors. It is this philosophy which had led to the short duration correspondence management programs adopting a general management approach. This approach will help students develop a broad foundation of skills and knowledge in the diverse functional areas of Business Management
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