
Ariston School of Business Studies has been accredited by LMS implemented Quality Management System accordance with International Accreditation Service (IAS) United States of America as ISO 9001-2015.

Verification on    Certificate Number : IN82454A

Our Global Educational Partners


The Institute of Accounting Technicians is chartered federally under letters patent granted by the federal government of Canada and is a not-for-profit professional body for accounting technicians. The Institute has a growing global presence with members in over 25 countries.

The Chartered Association of Business Administrators ® is a not-for-profit professional body for business administrators. The Association has a growing global presence with members employed in all sectors of the economy and make a significant contribution to the efficiency of any business.

The CABA designation represents high ethical and professional standards and a committed to raising the profile of the business administration profession.

Our Global Partner

West Master LLC
Dubai,United Arab Emirates

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